
AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend 15ml

AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend 15ml

  • 15ml
  • doTERRA Air/Breathe supports the feeling of free airways and light breathing, while reducing the effect of seasonal changes.
  • doTERRA Air/Breathe can be applied topically to the chest, back or feet, or spread at night to calm the senses and promote restful sleep.

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AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend



AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend General Features:

  • doTERRA Air/Breathe supports the feeling of free airways and light breathing, while reducing the effect of seasonal changes.
  • doTERRA Air/Breathe can be applied topically to the chest, back or feet, or spread at night to calm the senses and promote restful sleep.
  • Air steam with a diffuser, apply reflex points, chest, neck when you are visited by discomfort and when you sleep restlessly.

AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend Composition:

bay leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, cardamom, Ravintsara and Ravensara

AIR/BREATHE doTERRA Essential Oil Blend Usage:

  • Steam with a diffuser, breathe directly from the palms of your hands or rub your chest or legs.
  • Use when going outside.
  • Steam before bedtime to create a calm environment.
  • Before training, lubricate the chest, thereby facilitating breathing and oxygen absorption.
  • If you are sensitive to pollen, inhale during the season to facilitate breathing.
  • The aroma is cooling, has a calming effect, helps to relax and rest better at night, helps to overcome sadness, closedness, emotional pain, helps to let go of emotions.

For steaming , use three or four drops in the selected diffuser.

Local use: dilute 1-2 drops according to age recommendations and apply to the desired area. Dilute doTERRA with fractional coconut oil to reduce skin sensitivity.

This mixture is NOT USED INSIDE.


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