doTERRA MetaPWR Advantage colagen What makes it unique

Picture of Regina Rainienė

Regina Rainienė

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. Did you know that there are 28 types of collagen in your body? Collagen is the main component of connective tissue, which makes up tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles and more.

Collagen gives elasticity and firmness to the skin, as well as supporting muscles and connective tissues. Connective tissues give structure and strength to the body. For example, your knee ligaments are made of collagen. They allow your knee to bend, flex and absorb shock.

Humans and animals produce collagen naturally, but collagen production decreases with age, starting at age 25. As we age (or simply as a result of an active lifestyle), joints, muscles, tendons and other connective tissues are under constant strain. Even the constant force of gravity has a constant effect on collagen-containing tissues.

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“MetaPWR™ Advantage combines the power of marine collagen, NMN and 10 other synergistic ingredients to ensure cell integrity and health. It’s a powerhouse!

This product can replenish the vital collagen your tissues need and support your body’s natural production of NAD+, helping to slow the internal and external signs of ageing. The 12 synergistic ingredients in MetaPWR Advantage give your cells what they need to maintain cell integrity.

The result is slower biological ageing, firmer and more elastic skin, better cognitive function, more muscle and connective tissue and much more! “MetaPWR Advantage is a game-changing powdered supplement that you can mix with water in a bottle. Use it daily to slow the signs of biological ageing and prolong your years of good health, regardless of your current age.

NADH ir NAD+ are essential for mitochondrial function, especially in relation to metabolism. They convert food into energy and protect cellular energy factories. Although the body naturally produces NAD+ and NADH, the production of NAD+ and NADH begins to decline sharply around middle age, and this decline continues until death. By the age of 50, half of the NAD+ is gone.

Without enough NAD+ in your body, your cells cannot produce the energy they need to survive and perform their functions. The faster NAD+ declines, the closer we get to death.

New research and studies are providing a better understanding of how we can replenish and maintain NAD+ production in the body, regardless of age. Preclinical studies show that taking NMN supplements can increase NAD+ levels, leading to more youthful functioning of cells and body systems*.

When using collagen as a supplement, it is important to consider bioavailability. When a supplement or nutrient is easily absorbed and used by your body, it is considered bioavailable. The number of grams you read on the label is not what determines how much collagen your cells will receive when you take it.

DoTERRA Collagen is supplied together with Vitamin C, which is essential for collagen synthesis. And vitamin C is contained in liposomes so that it doesn’t leave the body too quickly and has time to do its job.

“MetaPWR Advantage contains nine types of collagen. Most collagen products contain one or two types of collagen, which are essential for skin beauty, elasticity and wrinkles. “MetaPWR Advantage contains the above collagen types, but it also contains seven other unique collagen peptide types. Different types of collagens interact with each other to help each other carry out their intended processes.

Bioavailability is enhanced by the fact that MetaPWR Advantage collagens are in the tripeptide state, where long peptide chains are hydrolysed to become short and highly absorbable. Instead of ingesting large amounts of long-chain collagens, only a fraction of which will be converted by the body into the type I, II, IV, V, VI, IX or XXV collagens needed for skin, joints, brain, bones, etc., we ingest a small amount of highly effective targeted collagens.

As much as 70% of DoTERRA collagens are in a tripeptide form, which allows for super-absorption. In contrast, other collagens on the market contain only 15-35% tripeptides.

The table below shows which type of collagen is most responsible for which function: Type I – skin beauty, Type II – bone protection and a key component of cartilage, Type IV – plastic dermis and epidermis, Type V – stabilises the structures of Type I and Type II collagens, Type VI – supports muscle and cell membrane function, inhibits oxidative stress, Type IX – cartilage, growth plates, intervertebral discs, Type XXV – supports normal brain ageing, Col1a2 protein – intercellular substance of connective tissues, Protein 37A – is involved in cell growth and differentiation.

“MetaPWR Advantage is a hydrolysed powder format that you activate when mixed with water before use.

Daugumoje siūlomų fasuotų skystų kolagenų naudojama sterilizacija vandens pagrindu sukurtai sistemai. This removes harmful bacteria and beneficial active substances such as vitamins, flavonoids and polyphenols. Despite this process, they are actually less stable than MetaPWR Advantage. It also means that they transport heavy water around the world, increasing carbon dioxide emissions.

MetaPWR Advantage is supplied as a hydrolysed powder, resulting in a more active and bioavailable absorption process during administration. Just mix it with water just before drinking. Mixing MetaPWR Advantage su šiltu arba kambario temperatūros vandeniu, vartojate jį kaip skystį, o tai reiškia, kad jūsų organizmas gali lengvai įsisavinti stabilias, nesuskaidytas maistines medžiagas be cukraus, kuris būna fasuotų sulčių formate, arba be vertės praradimo, kuris atsiranda pasterizacijos metu.

The collagen in MetaPWR Advantage is not only powdered but also hydrolysed, i.e. y. cut into specific tripeptide fragments, which greatly increases bioavailability.

“MetaPWR Advantage contains 12 ingredients that work together to achieve the best desired effect.

We’ve already written about NMN cells, but there are still some:

  1. Resveratrol, a plant antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage, may help maintain normal cardiovascular function.
  2. Biotin is a vitamin with a wide range of benefits for our body. It is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino and fatty acids, cell growth, DNA repair and normal immune function. It is vitamin B7, also known as vitamin H from the words “haar” and “haut” for hair and skin. It is involved in the synthesis of nail keratin and the nervous system.
  3. Sea buckthorn extract – a source of antioxidants, stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, strengthens the structure and stability of collagen. It is rich in flavonoids, vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, E, K, D, beta-carotene, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sea buckthorn removes free radicals from the body and lowers blood cholesterol.
  4. Phytoceramides – plant ceramides promote healthy cellular ageing and skin moisture, stimulate epidermal barrier function
  5. Pink apples – improves skin, bones and teeth, regulates sugar levels and improves iron absorption.
  6. Red orange extract is used for its antioxidant effects
  7. Hyaluronic acid – absorbs moisture and redistributes it throughout the body. A single molecule of hyaluronic acid can hold up to 500 water molecules. The body of an average person (weighing about 70 kg) contains about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid. A third of it is exchanged (destroyed and replenished) every day. A disturbance in this amount can cause joint problems, dry eyes, greying and wrinkling of the skin. -This is an important part of the cartilage that covers every cartilage cell. It helps maintain the elasticity of the cartilage and the slipperiness of the articular surfaces, thus reducing friction and cushioning the shock on the bones during movement. Over the years, hyaluronic acid decreases in the body, causing the cartilage to “wear out”; -a key component of the skin that contributes to tissue renewal. It maintains moisture in the tissues, which influences tissue elasticity and firmness; – It transports and distributes water in the tissues; it is able to differentiate between tissues that need less moisture (or none at all) and tissues that need more and redistribute the balance in a timely manner; – It maintains moisture: hyaluronic acid binds the water in the intracellular space, thus increasing the tissues’ resistance to compression. Otherwise, marks from socks, gloves or belts would remain on the skin forever; – participates in the maintenance of normal intraocular pressure.
  8. MetaPWR essential oil blend.
  • sojos
  • gluten
  • GMOs
  • dairy products
  • preservatives
  • artificial colors and sweeteners
  • no traces of heavy metals

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